Running commentary about generative AI’s disruption of higher education.

Budgets, AI, Government: Three Challenges for Higher Ed
Zach Justus Zach Justus

Budgets, AI, Government: Three Challenges for Higher Ed

Higher education is facing three distinct and world-changing challenges. Budgets/enrollment, Artificial Intelligence, and changes in federal policy all exist as largely separate issues. The confluence of these at one time and our lack of coherent reaction does not position us for success, but there is hope.

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AI’s gone MAGA
Nik Janos Nik Janos

AI’s gone MAGA

We are back in Inside Higher Ed arguing that generative AI is being coded as political. We argue that treating AI as another front in the culture war is a mistake. Read it here.

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Thoughts on the First AI-Powered University
Nik Janos Nik Janos

Thoughts on the First AI-Powered University

Billing it as an historical first, the Office of the Chancellor of the California State University system announced a partnership with OpenAI to bring ChatGPT to every student, staff, and professor at the 23 campuses. This new partnership is poised to alter the course of this disruption in ways foreseen but opening up a slew of new issues and opportunities. In this post, we will give an overview of this partnership, what it changes and what it does not, and provide some initial thoughts on some likely implications. 

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Your AI Policy IS Already Obsolete
Nik Janos Nik Janos

Your AI Policy IS Already Obsolete

Zach and I were published in Inside Higher Education writing “Our argument is that the integration of AI technology into existing platforms has rendered these frameworks obsolete.” Read the article.

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Tenure. Promotion. AI.
Zach Justus Zach Justus

Tenure. Promotion. AI.

The same anxieties you may confront when thinking about the ethics of a student using AI to outline a paper or check their code can also be turned around onto us.

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Summer break, see ya
Nik Janos Nik Janos

Summer break, see ya

It’s summer break for faculty and we’ll have less posts until we’re back in late August. Enjoy the sun or winter if you’re in the far southern hemisphere. NOTE: picture is exactly what we look like.

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Reflecting on a Year of Generative AI: Nailed it!
Nik Janos Nik Janos

Reflecting on a Year of Generative AI: Nailed it!

Having been thinking about, writing, and speaking publicly about generative AI for one year, we wanted to look back at our first post called “Responses to ChatGPT”, which we published on January 26, 2023. What did we get right? What do we know now that we didn’t know then? And what might the next year of AI in higher education look like?

What did we get right? We’re both humble people but in this case we’ll say “nailed it.”

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What chess can teach us about education and AI
Zach Justus Zach Justus

What chess can teach us about education and AI

The computer program Deep Blue beat chess world champion Gary Kasparov in 1997. For 25+ years computers have been better than the best humans at chess. Despite this there are some fascinating trends with humans and the game.

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Intens(ive) Reflections
Zach Justus Zach Justus

Intens(ive) Reflections

My favorite part about work like this is learning from the participants so I wanted to share a couple of these lessons with a broader audience.

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Disruption within a disruption
Nik Janos Nik Janos

Disruption within a disruption

November 17, the Friday before Thanksgiving, a shock came out of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. The board of directors had fired Sam Altman CEO and public face of the company. What? Jaw drop for sure. This post is not about the craptastic mismanagement of the company that produces ChatGPT and DALL-E, which have basically become the Kleanex of generative AI products. Rather I take this whole episode as a warning, as a disruption within a disruption.

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Librarians use one weird trick to destroy ChatGPT
Zach Justus Zach Justus

Librarians use one weird trick to destroy ChatGPT

The whole experience was illuminating for me. It made me appreciate the expertise and value of our excellent librarians at the University even more. It also made me think about the current limitations of the technology.

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Chico State professors navigate artificial intelligence in education
Nik Janos Nik Janos

Chico State professors navigate artificial intelligence in education

Zach and I were interviewed by Muna Sadek from KRCR Chanel 7 in Chico about ChatGPT and its impacts on higher education.

Professors Nik Janos and Zach Justus held a ChatGPT workshop for students Friday. They say their goal is to hear insights from students on how the technology has been changing their approach to education. They one of the most common questions they are asked is whether use of the website makes a student guilty of cheating.

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AI. Education. Equity.
Zach Justus Zach Justus

AI. Education. Equity.

The impact of generative artificial intelligence on our goals on diversity, equity, and inclusion remains undertheorized. The goal of this post is to collect what we know so far and theorize about where we might be headed.

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Assessment and AI
Zach Justus Zach Justus

Assessment and AI

Artificial Intelligence represents a radical challenge to doing meaningful assessment in higher education and in education broadly. Turning the lens of inquiry back on our own classrooms has always been complicated, but we have never faced a disruption like this before.

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